Elevated to ACT (ETA)

Looking to make a change in your life, Elevated to ACT can help. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you build a better future.
Elevated to ACT

Unlocking Potential Through Guided Support

  • Mentoring program to provide encouragement and genuine support.
  • Help students plan for the future and work on their diploma or GED.
  • Match adults from the community with youth who are working on their diploma or GED, while also training for a career and developing leadership and life skills.
  • Mentored students excel in the classroom, plan for a better future, and build a stronger community.
Mentoring is key to transformation
Program Overview

Building a Bridge Towards a Better Future

Develop your Dreams

Elevated to ACT is a mentoring and support program. Focusing on 3D “Decisions Determine Destiny” which is our group mentoring program. The concept of this program is “Building the Bridge”. Our personal bridges are built on making good decisions that anchor and support our Life Plans and allow for one to be resilient to overcome personal obstacles, choose supportive personal associations that nurture our strengths and allow for growth and transformation to take place; good decisions are influenced by many factors that surround us and we are personally accountable and responsible (Respond to YOUR ability) for prioritizing them based on our Life Plans.

Participants serve their communities by building affordable housing and participating in Community Service Learning projects. AVYB offers classroom-based education, counseling services, certified construction training, career development, and community development; as well as courses in construction training and more. Our vision is to create a positive impact on a young person’s life by providing them with the opportunity and tools to be empowered as leaders of today for tomorrow.

Elevated to ACT FAQ

Elevated to ACT is a mentoring and support program. Focusing on 3D "Decisions Determine Destiny" which is our group mentoring program.

Life planning for
mentoring is a
process of
helping mentees
develop a plan for
their lives.
Mentors can help
by providing
support, and

Mentors should
guide, support,
and help mentees
develop their life
skills. They
should provide
feedback, connect
mentees with
opportunities, be
role models, and
be available.

Our Mentees will:

  • Strive Harder
  • Excel Educationally
  • Gain Self-Confiedence
  • Learn Responsibility
  • Give Back to the Community
  • Learn How to Plan for the Future
  • Develop Leadership Skills

ETA is a six month to a year program.